B-Wurf 02|2008

Tibet Terrier Welpen made of Dog's Wisdom 02|2008

Chagan von Yu-key x Queen-Neeh of Dog´s Wisdom von Lighten

2 Rüden | 4 Hündinnen [2 dogs | 4 bitches]

Welpe, Welpen, Tibet Terrier
B-Wurf made of Dog´s Wisdom 2008
Das Buch zum B-Wurf [the book about the b-litter]
... alles Wichtige dieses Wurfs komprimiert in einem
tollen Buch.
[...everything about the a-litter presented in a stylish book.]
B-Wurf_Das Buch.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 6.5 MB

8. Woche [week]

6. Woche [week]

3.+4. Woche [week]

1.+2. Woche [week]